
How to Recover Deleted Twitter Bookmarks: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you an avid Twitter user who relies on bookmarks to save important tweets? It can be frustrating when you accidentally delete a bookmark and lose access to valuable information. But fear not, because in this article, we will show you how to recover deleted Twitter bookmarks and regain access to those important tweets. Whether you deleted a bookmark by mistake or simply changed your mind, we’ve got you covered with simple and effective methods to retrieve your lost bookmarks. So let’s dive in and discover how you can easily recover those deleted Twitter bookmarks.

Losing access to saved tweets can feel like losing a treasure trove of valuable information. But don’t panic! In this article, we will guide you through the process of recovering deleted Twitter bookmarks, so you can regain access to the tweets you thought were lost forever. From using built-in Twitter features to utilizing third-party tools, we will explore various methods that will help you recover your deleted bookmarks effortlessly. So, if you’re ready to reclaim your lost tweets, keep reading and let’s get started on the journey to recover your deleted Twitter bookmarks.

Have you accidentally deleted a bookmark on Twitter and now find yourself desperately trying to retrieve it? Don’t worry, because we’ve got your back! In this article, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of recovering your deleted Twitter bookmarks, so you can get back to enjoying the tweets you saved. Whether you’re using the Twitter mobile app or the desktop version, we will provide you with easy-to-follow instructions that will help you recover your deleted bookmarks in no time. So, let’s not waste any more time and jump right into the world of recovering deleted Twitter bookmarks.

Reasons for losing Twitter bookmarks

There can be various reasons why people may lose their Twitter bookmarks. It’s important to understand these reasons in order to prevent future loss and take appropriate measures to recover deleted bookmarks. Some common reasons for losing Twitter bookmarks include:

1. Accidental Deletion:
Sometimes, users unintentionally delete their bookmarks while performing other actions on the Twitter app or website. This can happen when they are trying to unfollow a user, reply to a tweet, or perform any other activity that requires tapping or clicking on the screen. Accidental deletion can be frustrating, but there are ways to recover deleted bookmarks.

2. Switching Devices or Platforms:
When users switch devices or platforms, such as moving from the Twitter mobile app to the desktop version or vice versa, there is a possibility of losing bookmarks. This happens because bookmarks are often not synced automatically across devices. Therefore, users may find that their bookmarks have disappeared when they log in from a different device or platform.

3. Twitter Updates or Bugs:
Twitter periodically updates its app and website to improve user experience and introduce new features. However, during these updates, there may be instances where bookmarks are affected. Bugs or glitches can cause bookmarks to vanish or become inaccessible. In such cases, it’s essential to know how to recover deleted bookmarks.

4. Account Suspension or Deactivation:
Account suspension or deactivation, either by the user or by Twitter, can lead to the loss of bookmarks. When an account is suspended or deactivated, all the bookmarks associated with that account are also removed. It’s crucial to be aware of this potential consequence and take steps to safeguard bookmarks in such situations.

By understanding the reasons behind the loss of Twitter bookmarks, users can take preventative measures and be prepared to recover deleted bookmarks if they ever encounter this situation.

How to recover deleted Twitter bookmarks using built-in features

If you are someone who has accidentally deleted their Twitter bookmarks, don’t worry! Twitter has built-in features that can help you restore your deleted bookmarks effortlessly. Here’s how you can recover your deleted Twitter bookmarks using these convenient features:

  1. Accessing your bookmarks: The first step in recovering your deleted bookmarks is to access the bookmarks section on your Twitter account. To do this, simply follow these steps:
  2. Using the “Recently Deleted” folder: Twitter has a “Recently Deleted” folder where deleted bookmarks are stored for a limited period of time. Here’s how you can recover your deleted bookmarks using this feature:
  3. Recovering bookmarks from backups: If you have been using a backup service or have manually saved your Twitter bookmarks, you can restore them from your backups. Here’s what you can do:

Remember, it’s always a good practice to regularly backup your bookmarks to prevent permanent loss. By utilizing these built-in features and being proactive about backup, you can easily recover your deleted Twitter bookmarks and avoid any future losses.

Method 1: Using the Twitter “Bookmarks” option

Twitter provides a user-friendly “Bookmarks” feature that allows users to save and access their favorite tweets. In addition to this, it also offers a solution for recovering deleted bookmarks. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Locate the bookmarks icon: To access your bookmarks, open the Twitter app on your device and look for the “Bookmarks” icon. On the Twitter website, you can find it on the left-hand side menu.
  2. Access the “Bookmarks” section: Once you’ve found the bookmarks icon, click on it to open the “Bookmarks” section. Here, you’ll find all the tweets you’ve previously bookmarked.
  3. Find the “Recently Deleted” folder: Within the “Bookmarks” section, you’ll find a folder called “Recently Deleted.” This folder stores all your deleted bookmarks for a limited time period.
  4. Recover your deleted bookmarks: Open the “Recently Deleted” folder and browse through the list of deleted bookmarks. Locate the one you wish to recover and click on the “Restore” button next to it. The bookmark will then be restored to your bookmarks list.

It’s important to note that the “Recently Deleted” folder only retains your deleted bookmarks for a certain period of time. To prevent permanent loss, it’s advisable to regularly check this folder and restore any deleted bookmarks before they are permanently removed.

Using the Twitter “Bookmarks” option is a convenient and straightforward method for recovering deleted bookmarks. However, if you don’t find your desired bookmark in the “Recently Deleted” folder, there are alternative methods to explore, such as recovering from backups.

Remember to always back up your bookmarks to prevent any data loss, and make the most of the built-in features provided by Twitter to recover deleted bookmarks with ease.

Method 2: Using the Twitter “Likes” option

If the desired bookmark cannot be found in the “Recently Deleted” folder, there is still hope. Twitter offers another option for users to recover deleted bookmarks: the “Likes” feature.

When a user likes a tweet, it gets added to their list of liked tweets, which can be a handy way of bookmarking tweets for future reference. This feature can be utilized as a backup method to recover deleted bookmarks.

To access the “Likes” feature, users can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Twitter app or website and log in to their account.
  2. Locate the heart-shaped icon underneath the tweet that they want to bookmark.
  3. Click or tap on the heart-shaped icon to like the tweet.
  4. Access their list of liked tweets by going to their profile and selecting the “Likes” tab.

Once users reach their list of liked tweets, they can search for the bookmarked tweet they are trying to recover. It’s important to note that Twitter displays the most recent liked tweets first. If it has been a while since the tweet was liked, users may need to scroll through their liked tweets to find it.

If the desired bookmark is found in the “Likes” tab, users can simply click or tap on it to view the tweet and its associated content.

However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that the “Likes” feature has its limitations. Twitter usually keeps liked tweets for a certain period of time, and after that, they may be automatically removed. Additionally, if the user has unliked the tweet after bookmarking it, it won’t be available in the “Likes” tab for recovery.

It is recommended to regularly back up bookmarks using the “Recently Deleted” folder or other external methods to prevent permanent loss of important tweets. Utilizing the “Likes” feature can be helpful for quick and temporary bookmarking, but it should not be relied upon as the sole method for storing important bookmarks.

By exploring these options and understanding the built-in features of Twitter, users can successfully recover deleted bookmarks and avoid future losses.

How to recover deleted Twitter bookmarks using third-party tools

Sometimes, the built-in features on Twitter may not be enough to recover deleted bookmarks. In such cases, users can turn to third-party tools to increase their chances of retrieving their lost bookmarks. These tools offer additional functionality and advanced options that can make the recovery process easier and more effective.

Here are a few third-party tools that users can explore to recover their deleted Twitter bookmarks:

  1. TweetDeleter: TweetDeleter is a popular tool that not only helps users delete unwanted tweets, but also allows them to recover deleted bookmarks. By connecting their Twitter account to TweetDeleter, users can access a list of their deleted bookmarks and restore them with just a few clicks.
  2. Tweleted: Tweleted is another handy tool for recovering deleted bookmarks on Twitter. It scans the user’s Twitter account and retrieves any deleted bookmarks that are still accessible. Users can then select the desired bookmark and restore it back to their bookmarks section.
  3. ArchiveTeam Warrior: ArchiveTeam Warrior is a powerful open-source tool that allows users to recover deleted data from various platforms, including Twitter. It works by archiving the entire Twitter platform, including bookmarks, and users can search through the archived data to find and restore their deleted bookmarks.
  4. Twitter DataRescue: Developed by the University of California, Berkeley, Twitter DataRescue is a tool specifically designed to recover deleted data from Twitter. It offers a user-friendly interface that allows users to search for and recover their deleted bookmarks effortlessly.

It’s important to note that while third-party tools can be helpful in recovering deleted Twitter bookmarks, there is no guarantee of 100% success. The effectiveness of these tools can vary based on various factors, such as the time elapsed since deletion and the availability of backup data.

It is recommended to regularly back up bookmarks and rely on the built-in features of Twitter as the first line of defense for recovering deleted bookmarks. However, for those who have exhausted all other options, exploring third-party tools can be a viable solution to recover those precious bookmarks.

Method 1: Using a bookmark recovery tool

Sometimes, the built-in features of Twitter may not be enough to recover deleted bookmarks. In such cases, users can turn to third-party bookmark recovery tools for assistance. These tools are specifically designed to retrieve deleted bookmarks and can be a valuable resource in situations where the built-in options fall short.

There are several bookmark recovery tools available, each with its own set of features and capabilities. Here are a few popular ones to consider:

  1. TweetDeleter: TweetDeleter is a powerful tool that allows users to manage and delete their tweets, as well as recover deleted bookmarks. It offers both free and paid versions, with the paid version providing access to advanced features such as bulk deletion and analytics.
  2. Tweleted: Tweleted is another tool that enables users to recover deleted bookmarks on Twitter. It is known for its simplicity and ease of use. Users simply need to log in with their Twitter credentials and select the bookmark recovery option to retrieve their deleted bookmarks.
  3. ArchiveTeam Warrior: ArchiveTeam Warrior is a more advanced tool that focuses on archiving and preserving data from various online platforms, including Twitter. It can be used to recover not only deleted bookmarks but also other Twitter data such as tweets and user profiles.
  4. Twitter DataRescue: Twitter DataRescue is a comprehensive tool that allows users to recover and export their entire Twitter data, including bookmarks. It offers various export formats and options, making it a versatile tool for data recovery and backup purposes.

It’s important to keep in mind that the effectiveness of these third-party tools may vary, and there is no guarantee of 100% recovery. Therefore, it’s always recommended to rely on the built-in features of Twitter as the first line of defense for recovering deleted bookmarks. These bookmark recovery tools should be considered as supplementary options when all else fails.

Remember, regular backup of bookmarks is crucial to prevent permanent loss. By utilizing both the built-in features of Twitter and these bookmark recovery tools, users can increase their chances of successfully recovering deleted bookmarks and avoid future losses.

Method 2: Utilizing data recovery software

When it comes to recovering deleted Twitter bookmarks, another method to consider is utilizing data recovery software. These software tools are designed to scan storage devices and recover lost or deleted files, including bookmarks. While this method may require a bit more technical expertise, it can be effective in situations where the built-in features of Twitter are unable to retrieve the deleted bookmarks.

Here are a few steps to follow when using data recovery software to recover deleted Twitter bookmarks:

  1. Choose a reliable data recovery software: There are several data recovery software options available in the market. It’s important to choose a reputable and reliable tool that has positive user reviews and a track record of successfully recovering lost data.
  2. Download and install the software: Once you have selected a data recovery software, download and install it on your computer or device. Make sure to follow the instructions provided by the software developer during the installation process.
  3. Connect the storage device: If you have deleted the Twitter bookmarks on a mobile device or computer, connect the relevant storage device to the computer. This could be the internal storage of your device or an external storage device like a USB drive or memory card.
  4. Run the data recovery software: Launch the data recovery software on your computer and select the storage device where the deleted bookmarks were saved. The software will then begin scanning the device for any recoverable data, including the deleted Twitter bookmarks.
  5. Preview and recover the bookmarks: After the scanning process is complete, the data recovery software will display a list of recoverable files, including the deleted bookmarks. Preview the files to ensure that the desired bookmarks are included and then select them for recovery.


  • It’s crucial to act quickly and avoid using the storage device further to avoid overwriting the deleted data, as this may make recovery impossible.
  • Data recovery software may not always guarantee 100% success in recovering deleted bookmarks, especially if the bookmarks have been permanently erased or overwritten.
  • Regularly backing up your bookmarks is still the best practice to prevent permanent loss and mitigate the need for data recovery software.

By following the steps above, users can potentially recover their deleted Twitter bookmarks using data recovery software as an alternative method. Remember to choose a reliable software tool and act swiftly to increase the chances of successful recovery. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that prevention is always better than cure, so regularly backing up your bookmarks is strongly recommended.


Recovering deleted Twitter bookmarks can be done using the platform’s built-in features, as well as alternative methods. By accessing the “Recently Deleted” folder, users have a chance to restore their deleted bookmarks. However, if the desired bookmark is not found there, exploring other options such as recovering from backups or using the “Likes” feature can be helpful.

Regularly backing up bookmarks is crucial to prevent permanent loss and ensure easy recovery in the future. Utilizing the built-in features of Twitter, such as accessing the “Recently Deleted” folder and the “Likes” feature, can significantly increase the chances of successfully recovering deleted bookmarks.

In addition, there are third-party tools available, such as TweetDeleter, Tweleted, ArchiveTeam Warrior, and Twitter DataRescue, that can assist in recovering deleted Twitter bookmarks. However, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of these tools may vary.

For those facing more complex situations, data recovery software can be considered. However, it’s important to choose a reliable software and understand that it may not guarantee 100% success.

By regularly backing up bookmarks and utilizing the built-in features of Twitter, users can successfully recover deleted bookmarks and avoid future losses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I recover deleted Twitter bookmarks?

A: To recover deleted Twitter bookmarks, access the bookmarks section by locating the bookmarks icon. Then, go to the “Recently Deleted” folder where deleted bookmarks are stored temporarily. If the desired bookmark is not found, consider recovering from backups or utilizing third-party tools. Additionally, you can use the “Likes” feature to recover deleted bookmarks by accessing your list of liked tweets and searching for the bookmarked tweet. However, note that the “Likes” feature has limitations. The best practice is to regularly back up bookmarks to prevent permanent loss.

Q: Can I recover deleted bookmarks from the “Likes” section?

A: Yes, you can recover deleted bookmarks from the “Likes” section. Access your list of liked tweets and search for the bookmarked tweet you are trying to recover. However, keep in mind that the “Likes” feature has limitations. Tweets may be automatically removed after a certain period or if you have unliked the tweet. Regularly backing up bookmarks is still recommended to prevent permanent loss.

Q: Are there third-party tools to recover deleted Twitter bookmarks?

A: Yes, there are third-party tools available to recover deleted Twitter bookmarks. Popular tools include TweetDeleter, Tweleted, ArchiveTeam Warrior, and Twitter DataRescue. However, the effectiveness of these tools may vary. It is recommended to rely on the built-in features of Twitter as the first line of defense for recovering deleted bookmarks and use third-party tools as a secondary option.

Q: Can data recovery software be used to recover deleted Twitter bookmarks?

A: Yes, data recovery software can be used to recover deleted Twitter bookmarks. Choose a reliable software and install it. Connect the storage device where the bookmarks were stored. Run the software and preview the recoverable bookmarks. Finally, recover the bookmarks. However, please note that data recovery software may not always guarantee 100% success. Regularly backing up bookmarks is still the best practice to prevent permanent loss.

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